Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sing, Sprint and Swing into Spring!

Spring brings hope, change. From cold to warmth, from dull grey to bursts of color, from darkness to sunshine. It is a time for a new beginning, a time for cleaning the house, new growth in gardens, fresh fashion and baby animals. 

Get off to a great start with a spring cleaning. It's good to have a fresh, clean home in the new season. After a long, harsh winter, your home is probably in need of a good airing and tidying up of things that have accumulated during the winter. It's also good to open up things that have been winterized. Spruce up your home with new decorations.

The spring is also a favorite time for home improvement projects that could not go forward during the ice storms! Whether it is a building a new garage or storage shed, opening up your swimming pool or any other project, the spring is one of the best times to work at improving the value and livability of the home. In the spring, the weather is neither too hot nor too cold, and the homeowner has plenty of daylight in which to work.

Spring season also means fresh fashion. Lighten up and go bright with sunny season trends, from scintillating sheer and peekaboo details to simple, stylish footwear. This is a perfect season for considering a makeover of your existing  look. Have you had the same hairstyle for the past several years? Is your wardrobe due for an update? Spring is a great time to check the age of your makeup. Most makeup should be used within 6 to 12 months. Throw out old makeup and anything that's no longer in style.

Check out new hairstyles. While it's helpful to look at current season styles, be sure to ask your hair stylist to help you with a style that matches your facial shape and brings out the best for you, for your age and gender.

Find new ways to relax. Spring is a wonderful time of blossom, scent and relief after the colder days. Think of all the butterflies blooming, the bees buzzing, and the smell of freshly-mowed grass. Allow yourself to unwind from the hardships of winter forbearance and rediscover how to relax.

Buy or pick some new season flowers. Then put them in a vase in your house. Fresh flowers from your own garden or from a local flower provider will make your house colorful and pretty. Help your local flower growers by buying locally sourced flowers.
Grow some flowers in your garden, window box or on your balcony. Choose flowers that have a special meaning for you or that are in your favorite colors.

Enjoy the outdoors. Sit in your garden or go for a walk with a friend. As soon as the weather begins to warm up, spend more time outdoors. If you've been exercising indoors a lot, switch to some more outdoor exercise to benefit from the fresh air and sunshine.

For the outdoor sports enthusiast, there is nothing like the coming of the spring season. Both the players as well as the spectators alike. For avid hikers, spring means that those favorite trails are no longer impassable due to snow. Hooray!

Sing, Sprint and Swing into Spring!

"Winter's done, and April's in the skies, Earth, look up with laughter in your eyes!" ~ Charles G.D. Roberts